I believe that everyone has a call to “go.” We are all first missionaries where we are. In our schools and jobs or wherever he has us now.Some of us then receive our “go” and are sent elsewhere whether that be short-term or long-term to make disciples in other regions or countries. I have received that “go” and those different experiences had a huge part in shaping and forming me to be who I am today. I am going to share a little bit about my “go” stories.
Matthew 29:19-20 Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you even to the end of the age.
(Sierra Leone)
Sweet Sloane. In Sierra Leone I saw true poverty for the first time. At 16, I wasn’t sure how to handle it. I couldn’t “help” anyone. I was just a kid myself. The only thing we could offer was our time, prayers, and Christ’s Love. Even I never knew how much joy you could find with a simple soccer ball. I was extremely touched and changed by the joy the people had. They had close to nothing, but were so thankful for what they did have. I left a piece of my heart in Sweet Sloane. I learned so much about joy and hope in Sierra Leone.
Two years later, I found myself on a plane bound for India for two months. What was I doing? India was uncomfortable and so far away from home. But, it was good. I learned so much about myself and God. We saw many difficult things in India, but God was in control. We spent time at a Leper Colony and Orphanage and formed friendships that will last a lifetime. Through language barriers and cultural barriers my favorite times were having tea with my friend in the leper colony. In the orphanage we were able to serve our hosts and give them a break as they tirelessly served all the kids. I left a piece of my heart in India. I learned about being a servant leader in India and loving as Christ loved.
“Preach the Gospel always and when necessary use words.” St. Francis of Assisi
Eight years and a lot of life later, I found myself on a plane about to land on African soil once again, on the missions field again except this time, I was co-leading the group.” Honestly, I was very nervous. We hit the runway and I took a deep breath. I remember thinking to myself, “as long as I don’t lose anyone, I’m good.”
The next day, our amazing host announced we were going to a village about an hour away for ministry that day. I was excited, but I was still a nervous wreck. I still was feeling the weight I was putting on myself...the weight of 20 other people. We arrived at the village and piled out of the vehicles in front of a school.
Immediately, kids from the school and from the little village were surrounding us. Somehow the group left and 4 of us got left behind. (See: the forgotten four.) Ironically, as I was worried about “losing people” I was one of the people that was “lost.” There was literally nothing I could do. We had no way of communicating with the group, we had no idea where we were, we didn’t have the car keys for water/food, nothing. All we had was a soccer ball, ukelele, and a camera. So, we played soccer and played songs until they found us later on. Through that experience and the rest of the month God taught me that he’s got it. He is in control. He knows what he is doing. I need to rely on his strength.I left a piece of my heart in Zambia. From Zambia, I learned to trust and rely on God’s strength.
It’s not easy to say yes. Fear of the unknown can be overwhelming and unsettling. Not being in control of your future is overwhelming. But, God is truly in control. Believe it. Jesus truly wins. God is powerful and his strength is greater than our doubt and fear. Whether your “go” is to Indonesia, Ohio, or across the hall, his plan is carefully orchestrated.
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth.
Prayerfully consider what your “go” is. Be open to his leading, and never forget...
Jesus wins!
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