It's all in your head.

Mental illness effects EVERYONE. Everyone deals with depression and anxiety at some point in their lives, whether it is directly or indirectly. According to the National Institute of Mental Health ( 26.2 American adults suffer from some sort of mental illness. That is just about 1 out of 4 adults. This can be anything from depression, anxiety, bipolar, or even a mood/personality disorder.
Then why is it so taboo in our culture? Why do we have to be embarrassed by this diagnosis? WE DON’T. Mental illness is no longer a life sentence. It is no longer something to hide or be ashamed of. No one chooses this life. No one can choose to have depression or any of the rest. It is not something to be ashamed of or hide from anymore. Let’s break down those walls and fight back.

Many people have asked me all sorts of questions. I like that. I don’t have all the answers. I can just speak from my experiences. One of the questions I am asked is this, “What do I say to someone with depression or anxiety.”

That is a great question. I have compiled a list of what I think you SHOULD NOT to say or not say to a friend suffering from depression or anxiety (or any illness.)

1. It’s all in your head, just think positive and you will bounce back.
2. Why don’t you try and exercise more that always helped me.
3. You can choose to feel better.
4. Try and make new friends.
5. You have everything you need to make you feel better.
6. Do you even want to get better?
7. Everyone has problems.
8. Are you okay today? (12 times in a row)

All of these statements have been said to me at some point or another. Some are just peoples attempt at being helpful, but they usually cause more problems than anything else. It hurts when you feel as though you are choosing this.

Instead, just be a friend to them. Listen to what is going on when they are ready, validate their feelings, and just be there. Please don’t try to cure them or think that you will make them better somehow That always ends badly.

I hope this made sense and was helpful to some degree. Again, I am no expert. I am not claiming to have expert knowledge on this subject. I am just speaking from my own personal experience.

Be encouraging today!
